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About the Strip


The long debate of not having a shirt or coming up with a shirt that was true to Bigg's general disposition.  Such is the struggle of a Biggs author.

The other struggle is the time and place.  I've had this element of Bigg's character planned for a while, but there is always the worry of tokenism. So he's been probably one of the slowest build characters in that more than anything I wanted Biggs to be Biggs first and foremost.  Someone you liked or hated for who he was.  To be a character judged based on his actions and personality.  So that when the reveal happened it wouldn't end up engulfing who he was in his definition.

Especially since at this time and place where I write, there is a lot of hot button issues around the subject.  As well as the concern that such a character is going to give a bad impression to folks since there is also sometimes a thing as bad representation.  I fully admit I am not 100% sure what I'm doing at any given time...much less making sure my characters don't end up being bad examples for a community that already deals with a lot of backlash and grief.

I'm not entirely sure if Biggs is a good or bad thing, on any given day.  But boy howdy I can't deny he's a personality I don't really direct so much I just translate onto the page. For better or worse.
