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About the Strip


I should also make mention that Wildy was originally a character who belonged to a friend who let me use her for the comic many many moons ago along with several of the original cast.  So there is also a bit of disclaimer that over the years the Wildy in DMFA has deviated from her original incarnation and player.

I say this because at this time I'm not entirely sure if Wildy's original owner still plays Furcadia from back in the day.  And if she does, the last thing I want is for someone to give her grief and claiming she's not being the character proper.

THAT SAID AND ASIDE, Wildy in the comic has always been someone who puts her own relationship matters on the backburner.  It's a non-issue for her, but it also tends to create the concept of "single until romantic interest appears" where her lack of relationship is a matter of circumstance and not out of an active lack of interest on her part.

Aromantics tend to fall into the same troubles asexuals do...at least in my experience.   They're easy to kind of be more covert since in a lot of circles it is a case of if you aren't seeing anyone then people just assume you're just single but looking.  And the concept of you aren't looking tends to be met with the idea that it is just a phase and will pass.

But that is also why I wanted to focus on it this time around.  Cause it is something I feel gets very overlooked in comparison to other aspects of sexuality.  But is equally valid and deserves a bit of recognition.
