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About the Strip

#1521: Dont get me started on his pizza toppings preference...

Back in college I got the chance to take a course called "Concepts of Evil in Literature" which honestly was one of my favorite classes I got to take there as it was just overall educational but interesting.   What could potentially qualify as evil is often left to the interpretation of the viewer if not so much the discretion of the author.

I have a few characters I would put into the E-zone. I'm sure if I made one of those D&D alignment charts not only would I have a full spread but also then folks arguing over them feeling character A should instead have alignment D.  And really that is fair, most of it is very subjective.

The only thing not subjective is oatmeal raisin cookies being an abomination.  Seriously, raisins are the worst food and anything that requires raisins to be added to it is my enemy.
